Between insulin resistance and not wanting to use your belly as a pump site, you may think you’re running out of site options. But let me assure you, these pump sites during pregnancy are going to be your new favs!

The Best Pump Sites During Pregnancy

Congrats! You’re pregnant!! Now where the heck are you going to put your pump?

If you’re anything like me, you want N O T H I N G touching your belly. Which can be no bueno when you think about your body in terms of diabetes-real-estate. Take out your stomach and you’ve just lost ¼ of your land. 

Well don’t fret my fertile myrtle because today I’m sharing with you my favorite pump sites during pregnancy; with pictures and all!


You wouldn’t think there’s a lot of options with arms sites, but that’s where I’m going to prove you wrong! Even if you can’t “pinch” a lot of fat in some of these spots, you’d be surprised by how great absorption is and how little it hurts. 

Forearm (top and bottom)

favorite pump sites pregnancy forearm



Back of Arm


Inner Arm





Quick Note on Leg & Stomach Sites

Leg sites have never given me great absorption, so I never used them during pregnancy. Scratch that… I believe I did a leg site ONCE during pregnancy and I pulled it off after 5 hours because I could see that it wasn’t working. But if leg sites work great for you then definitely use them! I’ve seen a lot of people recently using their calves too!

Stomach sites were a hard pass for me pretty early on in my pregnancy. In the first trimester I wanted nothing touching my belly and by the second and third trimester my belly skin was so tight that just the thought of sticking a needle through it gave me the heebee-jeebees. Plus, the EMFs so close to my developing fetus didn’t feel right. See my post here about how much EMF’s diabetes devices throw off. 


How I went through almost a decade of diabetes without ever injecting in my back is beyond me. I first discovered this massive area of diabetes real estate during pregnancy. And thank god, because when you rule out your stomach you don’t have a lot of options left. The absorption was excellent for me and since you aren’t supposed to be sleeping on your back during pregnancy, it’s totally out of the way.

Bra Strap Zone


Under Rib Cage


Love Handles


What were your go-to pump/injection spots during pregnancy?

Or what were your least favorite spots? Let me know in the comments below!

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  1. Rick Phillips February 26, 2020 at 8:16 pm - Reply

    That is funny, your favorite sites are my favorite CGM spots. I bet there are reasons of blood flow and access that make this so.

    • T1D Living February 27, 2020 at 4:03 pm - Reply

      Yes, they are great spots! I love to use my legs for CGM bc its a site that never gets used for me bc i have really bad absorption there.

  2. Jenna February 27, 2020 at 3:40 pm - Reply

    I AGREE! Stomach sites are super sketch during pregnancy. Thank you for this!! I am 18 weeks pregnant and have way overused the back of my arms. Never thought about putting them on my back or even my forearm. Can’t wait to try some of these for my CGM too!

    • T1D Living February 27, 2020 at 4:04 pm - Reply

      I bet you will love them!! I use a lot of these now even postpartum bc the absorption is so great! And I still hate stomach sites lol

  3. Lacey February 27, 2020 at 3:49 pm - Reply

    omg you have the cutest bump! I use medtronic right now and am running out of sites… might switch to omnipod for the freedom. Would love to put my pump on my forearm but the tubing would be shit! Okay, you convinced me. I’m switching to omnipod.

    • T1D Living February 27, 2020 at 4:04 pm - Reply

      thank you! and YES get on omnipod. you will L O V E the freedom!

  4. Valerie February 16, 2022 at 9:27 pm - Reply

    Hi! Not pregnant but looking for new sites because my stomach and back are becoming overused. I’m a bit scared to try the biceps or forearms though, do they really not hurt?

    • T1D Living February 17, 2022 at 7:13 am - Reply

      I haven’t had any pain on biceps or forearm. I’ve also been LOVING my calves for cgm!

  5. Erin March 31, 2022 at 10:24 am - Reply

    I happened upon this post while 30 weeks pregnant and after two painful tummy site mishaps. Thank you for the great ideas!

    • T1D Living April 5, 2022 at 10:56 am - Reply

      Congrats on your pregnancy! and I hope some of these new sites feel better than the tummy ones!

  6. Marissa March 8, 2023 at 9:22 pm - Reply

    This was so helpful! My arms look so hurt from using the back of my arms. I tried it on my inner arm above the elbow and it made me so happy I could do it myself and it didn’t hurt. So shocked I didn’t think of this.

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