The first trimester of pregnancy was R-O-U-G-H for me. Although I never actually threw up, I had extreme nausea and headaches for almost the entire first trimester (and 2 weeks into my 2nd trimester). The best way I can describe it is, imagine the worst hangover you’ve ever had… now imagine feeling like that every day for 3 months.
How did I manage? The excitement alone of being pregnant was a pretty strong elixir. But on my worst days, when that didn’t cut it, these favorites helped a lot.
1st Trimester Pregnancy Favorites
Sea Sickness Bands
These wristbands were the only thing that helped with the nausea, and of course the last thing I tried. You wouldn’t think that the little beads on the inside of the bands, pushing on pressure points, would do much – but boy, let me tell you… 15 minutes after taking these off (to shower) I felt the nausea come right back. That’s why these suckers didn’t leave my wrists (unless to shower) until I reached my 2nd trimester.
Food (easy on the tummy)
Although I didn’t have many food aversions, I did have an aversion to the thought of preparing food, so eating was almost impossible unless someone made something for me.
There were foods that actually made me feel better and eased my tummy problems, and those were:
- Salt and Vinegar Chips
- Sour ANYTHING (skittles, sour patch kids, etc)
- Chicken & Rice Soup
- Bland Crackers or toast
- Mint tea and gum
- Eggs (scrambled with ketchup)
Even tho I didn’t gain a single pound in my first trimester (thanks to the morning sickness) it was almost impossible to wear jeans or anything tight fitting around my waist or stomach. I had so much bloating and my stomach was so sensitive to any kind of pressure that the only kinds of bottoms I could wear were leggings.
Ovia Pregnancy App
This being my first pregnancy I find that I am so curious about what stages baby is in. How big is he? What’s developing? What’s going to happen to my body next? There are also a lot of things I want to keep track of, like how many weeks along I am, what my weight gain is, etc.
So I knew I needed an app, but there were so many to choose from it was overwhelming. In every single one of the Pregnancy Facebook groups I’m in the #1 winner/recommended app was Ovia.
I am so happy with this app and I love how customizable it is! For example, you can get your baby’s size in:
- Cute baby animals
- Fruits & Veggies
- Parisian Bakery
- Fun & Games
I got so much sleep during my first trimester. Not because I was tired, but because of how sick I felt. You don’t feel sick when you’re sleeping, so sleeping is what I did every chance I got.
Some of my favorite books during this first trimester were:
- Holistic Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth (Magical Beginnings, Enchanted Lives)
- The Mama Natural Week by Week Guide to Pregnancy & Childbirth
- Pregnancy with Type 1 Diabetes
Question of the Day
What were some of your 1st Trimester Pregnancy Favorites?
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My first trimester go to? Stay the heck away form my wife int he morning. I mean like in the other room. That sort of went for all 9 months really. Just saying. 🙂
Sorry, the wife popped me int he head. LOL
My first trimester go to? Stay the heck away from my wife in the morning. I mean like in the other room. That sort of went for all 9 months really. Just saying. 🙂
[…] behind me. Incase you missed part 1 & 2 of this series, be sure to check them out here: First Trimester Pregnancy Favorites & Second Trimester Pregnancy […]
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