Why helloooo. If you’ve been here a while you might remember a little something called “Friday Favorites”. But if you’re new here, and are like wtheck is a Friday Favorite, let me explain…
Every Friday I rounded up some of my favorite things from that week and shared it with you. It included books, podcasts, recipes, diabetes supplies, cooking tools, you name it.
So instead of me just sharing products/items with you I wanted to get a little more personal. I wanted to step back from consumer culture and get back to community.
My goal for Friday Hangouts is to make this feel more personal. Like you and me, hanging out, sipping on some tea, in our comfy clothes, just catching up on life. I would love to someday have this be a video/vlog kind of format. But for now let’s start with this.
I have big dreams for this, big dreams.
Wow, so that was a long intro. If you’re still here and all that sounded good to you, then grab your tea and get comfy!
Here. We. Go!
Friday Hangouts #1
Oh-KAY! It has been a WEEK. Like probably the craziest week I’ve had in a long time. I can’t think of a time ever that’s been crazier than this, but I’m sure it exists and I’m just blocking it out of my mind.
I had an immediate family member in the hospital under very scary circumstances all week. At the same time our childcare center closed with little to no notice and we decided that instead of finding another one, we would homeschool. All at the same time that I’m putting together a T1D course to launch.
Thank God life has settled back down; My family member is now at home, healing, and on the road to recovery, homeschooling is going great, and I’m back at work putting together the T1D course for you.
I also made a new Mom friend a couple weeks ago and she recommended this book to me and I cannot wait to read it. She had me hooked when she told me she learned that red dye no.40 was a hormone. Did you know that? I certainly didn’t. I knew it was bad, but clearly i didn’t realize how bad.
We also started getting eggs from our chickens! It’s crazy how much joy I get from seeing new freshly laid eggs in the coop.
And our new roo has totally made the adjustment to this flock of ladies. At his last home he was one of THREE roosters! And sadly, he was the low man on the totem pole and always got picked on. But here he is KING. CHIEF. “Big ‘ol Chi-Chi Chief” to be exact.
Don’t you just love it when toddlers name things?!
In terms of T1D Living content… this upcoming week I plan on continuing the organization of the course. There is seriously SO much information I’m trying to pack into this. And I want to make sure it’s laid out in a way that flows well.
Blog posts I’m thinking of for next week are:
- How to Lower Your A1C with Type 1 Diabetes
- Friday Hangouts #2
Our dinners for next week are:
M: Meatloaf with corn on the cob
T: Chicken Sloppy Joes
W: Baked Haddock
T: Pulled Pork Bowls with Coleslaw
F: Loaded Pulled Pork Nachos + Soup + Salad
S: Leftovers
S: Dinner at Grandads
I hope you have a great weekend, and I’ll talk to you next week!
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Those are some awesome looking chickens.
Thank you!
Hi, So I’m 60 years young and I’ve been a T1d for 56 of those years. I’m new to the Omni Pod 5 and I saw that you were wearing one also.
My question is … We’re your blood sugars kinda crazy at first ?
I’ve been wearing it for almost a month now and maybe I must need to get my insulin adjusted !
Any recommendations would be great
Thank you
I’m still on the Eros pods (the ones before Dash), but I’ve heard that the algorithm on 5 takes sometime to learn your patterns. I’ve heard that it takes about 2-4 weeks. I know “The Juicebox Podcast” has a few episodes on the Omnipod 5, that might give you more insight.