Friday is heeeere! And so is another High Five Friday blog post!

Also, I’m just realizing now that the name for this series is the name of the Highlights magazine 😂🙈

Today’s a special one, not only is it Friday (hoorray!), but also because the hubby is back home from a work trip 🙌

He was only gone for 3 days, but boy are we glad to have him back home.

welcome home dad

To celebrate his return, we whipped up some peanut butter cookies (ate half the batch before he even got home 🍪🤤) and colored him a superhero welcome home card (of course).

The sweet aroma of peanut butter cookies filled every nook and cranny of the house, making our home feel extra cozy and nostalgic.

Speaking of nostalgia… do you remember these!?

highlights magazine
highlights magazine back

Talk about a blast from the 90’s past—the legendary Highlights magazine!

My Mom got Miles a subscription and he is loving them just as much as I did. He loves seeing the kids featured on the back and learning their age.

As a kid, I loved the hidden pictures page. Now, as an adult, I find myself drooling over the recipes and getting super excited to see the arts & crafts page.

After stuffing ourselves full of peanut butter cookies, we headed over to the library for Lego club.

Lego club is a blast. The library staff dumps a 25 gallon storage bin full of legos on a tarp, gives the kids a loose theme/suggestion (like build a robot), and then displays their finished art in a display case for the month.

lego robot

Speaking of suggestions, I’ve gotten a couple of really great suggestions from you guys for blog posts coming up! So over the next couple weeks I’ll be sharing my mother-in-laws granola recipe and my experience with taking a pump break and why I went back to my pump so fast.

I also will be updating my EMF of diabetes devices soon because I was able to take readings from the Libre 3 and hopefully within the next couple weeks can get Omnipod Dash, Omnipod 5, and Dexcom G6 readings.

If you have any suggestions for upcoming posts:

  • post it in the comment box below
  • shoot me an email at
  • or DM me on instagram or facebook.

What’s on the menu for next week 👩‍🍳

M: Egg Roll in a Bowl
T: Chicken Tortilla Soup
W: Taco Meatball Bowls
T: Sweet Potato Shepherds Pie
F: Spaghetti Squash Pad Thai
S: Left Overs
S: CBLT Salads

Protein: Meatballs
Veggie: Bean Salad
Sweet: Banana PB Cookies

One Comment

  1. rick phillips May 19, 2023 at 9:52 pm - Reply

    I love Lego day at the library.

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