Hello my dear friends! How’s it going over there? It’s always this time of year that I feel super ambitious to start tackling my goals. Maybe that’s because the cold winter months have me hunkered down inside and I’m going stir crazy to do something!

Clearly, Jett has the opposite mindset and uses this season to catch up on some zzzz’s

sleepy winter Jett

Revisiting My Medical Alert ID

One of these goals is a yearly revisit of my medical alert ID situation. Am I wearing it? If not, why? Is it because it’s a pain to put on? Does it get caught on everything? Do I have the right info on it?

It’s important to me to evaluate this every year or so because things change… My needs change.

I remember my first medical alert ID was a gold charm bracelet, like this one.

medical alert id gold charm

I was 20 at the time and it was important to me that it looked cute and matched my style – that’s it. The fact that you could barely read what was on it didn’t matter to me. I dropped a lot of money on this piece of jewelry and only ended up wearing it for 2 years because the little charm (which had my info on it) kept getting caught on things. It was a pain and it eventually broke and I had to pay to get it fixed. I also had to get it re-engraved because the initial engraving from the company wasn’t deep enough and after a year my info blended in with all the scratches.

My second medical alert ID is the one I still have today! Although the info on it has changed, I still remained with the same company. I love the material, I love the quality of engraving (and all the space for your info), and the price is affordable.

For those wondering, the brand is Road ID and this is the “Stretch” wrist band.

tie dye road id medical alert

I personally like to have my Name, DOB, Husbands cell #, T1D call out, and allergies listed on my alert ID, but everyone is different. It’s important to put what YOU think is important on your medical alert ID.

And while you’re mulling over which medical alert ID to choose or what info to put on it, make yourself a batch of this amazingly delicious low carb, grain free, dairy free oatmeal. It is so filling, satisfying, loaded with nutrients, and so so soooo easy to make!

oatless oatmeal

oatless oatmeal breakfast

Oatless Low Carb Oatmeal

Servings 2 Servings


  • 2 Tablespoons Almond Butter
  • 1/4 Cup Shredded Coconut
  • 6 Tablespoons Water or Coconut Milk (full fat)
  • 1/4 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon Cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon Raw Honey or Maple Syrup


  • Combine all ingredients in a sauce pan and heat on medium heat until warm.

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  1. Rick Phillips January 18, 2018 at 9:08 pm - Reply

    My last Medical ID tag came with this super cool web site where paired with the card in my wallet could download all my medical information. Ahh, yeah that lasted about a week until I realized the potential issues. Now I have this awesome, well medal that says type 1 diabetes. Not very helpful i am afraid.

    • T1D Living January 23, 2018 at 12:40 pm - Reply

      I subscribed to a similar website service too, but cancelled it shortly after because I thought…”will an EMT really bother with pulling up a website if I’m laying there totally konked out? probably not.”

      And I think your medical ID sounds great, that’s the most important piece of information.

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