Being labeled as a high risk pregnancy does have its perks. You have access to a plethora of tests and screenings that wouldn’t normally be covered under a regular (non-high risk) pregnancy. So naturally, I assumed that I would qualify for the Harmony genetic screening, done at 10 weeks, which also happens to be able to detect gender. To make a long story short, this was the one test that my insurance was like, “ermmmm no. even though you’re ‘high risk’ you’re not that kind of high risk that would benefit from the Harmony screening.”
Talk about being totally bummed! Since I didn’t care about the genetic screening results (I only wanted to know gender) it didn’t make sense to pay the hundreds of dollars it would cost to run the test without the coverage of my insurance.
That’s when I went to my pregnancy Facebook groups and heard about SneakPeek Gender Test.
Lots of women were in the same boat as me. Although they were considered high risk because of type 1 diabetes (T1D), it wasn’t the kind of high risk that would warrant the harmony test. Which is more for women who are over the age of 35, have a history of chromosomal abnormalities, etc.
What is the SneakPeek Gender Test?
SneakPeek Gender Test is a gender test that can be done as early as 9 weeks! That’s one week earlier than the Harmony test! You order the test kit online and they ship it right to your house. No insurance, no doctors notes, nothing! You order it online just like you’d order a pair of shorts. You can get it on amazon here!
How is the Test Done?
The SneakPeek Gender test uses a sample of your blood from a finger prick to look for a Y chromosome. Since women carry XX and men carry XY, if a woman shows a Y in her blood it’s because she is carrying a little baby boy. If no Y chromosome is present then that means baby is a girl.
The kit has detailed instructions on how to take the test, but basically you wash your hands, prick your finger, drop the blood into a small vial, and mail the vial back to their lab. Once they receive your vial they test it – looking for that Y chromosome, and email you your results.
Okay, But How Accurate is it?
The company has a 99% accuracy rating. And from my personal experience it was 100% right. The 1% error rate is from user contamination, meaning if male DNA contaminated your sample…like if my husbands hair, or a flake of his skin somehow go into the vial.
But this is rare and if you follow the instructions in the kit, they take you through very detailed instructions on how to make sure your contamination risk is as low as possible. Like telling you to take the test in a room of your house that men don’t typically go in – which is why I performed the test in my closet hahah.
Plus, a 99% accuracy rating is higher than an ultrasound test (for gender)!
More Thoughts on SneakPeek Gender Test
I am so happy with my experience using SneakPeek Gender test! And I will do it again for baby #2 when the time comes.
The price is totally affordable too. I paid $79 and got my results after 3 or 4 days. They even have a fast track option, which is a bit more expensive, but you can get your results within 3 days or less, guaranteed.
The kit gives you everything you need to take the test from home (no need to go to a lab). They provide you with a return box and label and email you the results once they have them. It is seriously SO easy guys!
Here’s the link to get SneakPeek on Amazon. Plus it comes with FREE shipping!
Earn good karma points. Share this with a mama who wants to know her baby’s gender ASAP!
If you have more question or want to learn more check out their website
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love sneak peek! i used them during this pregnancy and results were so fast. we did a balloon release gender reveal 🙂
We tried Sneak Peak and had an amazing experience!
Here’s our video of our whole experience starting with the test to our gender reveal party