TGIF! Happy Friday and Happy Memorial Day weekend!

When I first sat down to write this post I started talking about tick season and how our dog is a 60lb ball of velcro.

AKA a tick magnet.

Yet, despite this unfortunate downside about the soft doodle hair, we don’t use tick meds 😱💀 I know.

I started to go on about why we don’t use tick meds, including their sneaky endocrine disrupting side-effects (for both the pet AND HUMAN).

It was a long, meaty post.

Which is not the kind of post I’m looking to dive into on a Friday, let alone a holiday weekend.

So I hit save, put it on the back burner, opened a fresh new document, and here we are.


The other day I was showing Miles baby photos of him. Somewhere in the mix a photo of my DIY libre stickers popped up.

And I was like, “YES! How did I forget about this?!”

So I searched my blog and low and behold, I COULDN’T FIND THE POST!

SO I created a NEW one! Really fast.

(consider this an early Memorial Day present. Instead of posting on Tuesday, I’m give you TWO posts today!)

If you’re looking to make one of these yourself, and get all festive for the summer and holiday weekend then check out my DIY LIBRE STICKER post.

Like I said, I did this SUPER fast because I was already behind on time from my tick meds rant, plus I had to re-create the entire post, PLUUUSSSS create the printable template 😮‍💨

It has been a busy morning!

I also wanted to share the recipe we’ll be bringing to the family Memorial Day party.

I found it on pinterest earlier this week and have been drooling over it ever since.


That’s a wrap for this week! I’m off to start our Memorial Day weekend 🇺🇸

And don’t forget, you won’t see me on the blog this Tuesday because I posted THIS DIY LIBRE STICKER post early for y’all!

We have lots of gardening, chicken coop work, and family time ahead.

Enjoy your weekend and I’ll talk to you Friday!

What’s on the menu for next week 👩‍🍳

M: Teriyaki Pineapple Chicken Kabobs
T: Kielbasa, Asparagus, Homemade French Fries
W: Blackberry Chicken Salad
T: Grilled Salmon with Mango Salsa & Coconut Rice
F: Steak & Cheese Quesadillas
S: Left Overs
S: Beef Taco Salad Bowls

Protein: Egg Salad
Veggie: Broccoli Salad
Sweet: Homemade Frozen PB Cups

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