Notice the name change? High Five Fridays was great… but I don’t think it was helpful for new people finding the blog and were wondering WTHeck is a High Five Friday? Life of a T1D Blogger seems much more intuitive and descriptive of what these Friday posts actually are.
So instead of starting over at #1, let’s just continue rolling with the numbers from #9 right into #10
Life of a T1D Blogger #10
Happy Friday and happy 4TH OF JULY WEEKEND!
I have my CGM & pump all decked out for the holiday weekend.
If you want my easy DIY CGM tutorial then check it out here: DIY Libre CGM Stickers.
The pump is sharpies all the way 👍🇺🇸
Our plans for this long weekend include lots of lake time, pontoon boating, fireworks on the lake, water trampolines, and fishing 🚣♀️🎣🚤☀️
If you’re on my email list you know that it was my plan to finish recording videos for the course… however I wasn’t able to get a SINGLE video recorded because I woke up on Monday morning with CRAZY dizzy spells that had me bed & couch bound for DAYS.
It was miserable.
I have never experienced dizziness before so I knew nothing about it, but apparently your ear has crystals/stones in it that can get dislodged and when that happens GOOD LUCK not puking or even being able to stand up.
Thankfully I was able to get in with a physical therapist right away, she did some maneuvers to get the crystals back in place and I felt a heck of a whole lot better! I’m still having a liiiiittle bit of lingering nausea but MAN do I feel better!
ANYWHOOOOOoooo, I’m on the mend and hopefully we can stick to our 4th of July plans 🙏
Now, to abruptly change topics 😂
Do you use the butter draw for insulin storage? Of course you do…(I do too 😜)
But now we don’t have to! Check out these babies! ☹️
Refrigerator Insulin storage!
Genius. Pure genius.
Get the Pen Storage Get the Vial Storage
Heads Up, No Posts For Next Week
With the 4th of July falling on a Tuesday this year, and our long weekend plans of being “unplugged”, I will not be posting next week. BUT I will be back the following week (July 11).
I hope you have a wonderful weekend and awesome blood sugars (and of course I hope you see a killer fireworks show! 😜🤘)
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